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Home Sweet Home Blog

Don't Fall for the Scammers
Scams have been happening for years. However, with the increase of technology and the easy access to people's phone numbers, email...

What is Non-Medical Care?
A common question we get is: "What can you possibly do if you are non-medical?" Non-medical care helps with the many basic life skills...

Effective hygiene habits for the whole family
During the pandemic of COVID-19, it is very important to remember how sensitive our elderly are to this virus. Not only should our...

Spring has SPRUNG!
There is just something about spring. The birds come back and scurry around with nest building and singing their songs. Baby calves...

Movin' & Groovin'
It is very easy to get into a rut. It doesn't always matter our age, circumstances, or situations. If we have had a busy day, week, or...

What makes Home Sweet Home Cares & Services, LLC great?!
Balancing being a spouse, child, relative, or other family member can be hard enough, but when that roll is compromised by becoming a...

Sometimes I am caught off guard when I visit the homes of potential Clients and their family members. Often times it is a joke that I...

Prep for Winter: Elderly Check List
Shhhhh...don't tell anyone, but I have already pulled out my hoodies and have worn them a couple times...IN SEPTEMBER! Fall is quickly...

Special Moments
Our elderly population are some of the neatest people to know and to spend time with. In my nearly twenty years of experience I have not...

COVID Concerns
I think it is safe to say that we are ALL tired of hearing about COVID-19 and the continued variants that are developing. Unfortunately,...

Home Care vs. Alternative Options
One of the "BIG" dilemmas for families involves facing decisions for care of our loved one. It can be very overwhelming, discouraging,...

Tough Stuff to Know & Do!
Unfortunately, life doesn't come with a manual. When I became a parent for the first time, there were a bunch of events and situations...

Why is in-home care so important?
In many cultures, it is customary to care for an aging family member. In our society it has become nearly impossible to do that because...
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