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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Are your Caregivers practicing safety measures during COVID-19?
    Yes! Our Caregivers have gone through safety measures based on the Iowa Public Health Department. Masks, hand washing, social distancing, temperature checks, and staying home if exposed to COVID-19 or if they feel sick have all been implemented during orientation. Please read our blog about safety during COVID-19.
  • Are your Caregivers certified?
    Our Caregivers are required to have Mandatory Reporter Certification, be HIPPA compliant, and ..... Because Home Sweet Home Cares & Services, LLC is a non-medical in-home care service, it is not required by the state to have Caregivers with additional certifications.
  • What are the benefits of hiring Home Sweet Home Cares & Services, LLC?
    There are several great reasons to hire Home Sweet Home Cares & Services, LLC. 1. It is a positive alternative to moving into a Senior Living, Assisted Living, or Long-Term Care Facility. 2. Our Caregivers take care of a lot of non-medical services so you can be "family" to your loved one and not "the caregiver". 3. We have personally selected great Caregivers to serve our Clients. 4. We are an independently owned and operated small business in SW Iowa. 5. Our years of hands-on personalized in-home care provides us a unique approach to knowledge and skills for training our Caregivers. 6. Of course there are many more reasons, but ultimately there is no place like home!
  • What should I consider when hiring an in-home care service, agency, or independent contractor?
    Any in-home service you have the right to ask about their credentials. At Home Sweet Home Cares & Services, LLC, we are insured and our Caregivers are bonded. Each of our Caregivers have been carefully chosen, have gone through background checks, drug tested, HIPPA training, Mandatory Reporter training, and an extensive Orientation. You want the best for your family and it is important that you do your research. You shouldn't hire just anyone.
  • Do you provide free consultations before we decide on a home care professional?
    Yes! We offer a FREE In-Home Safety Assessment as well as free consultations. Call us today to schedule a home visit to discuss services. 641-847-0638
  • May we gift items to our Caregiver?
    We understand Clients and Families may want to occasionally give gifts to our Caregivers. This is not expected or required. We do not promote gift giving so as to avoid any conflicts of interest or notions of favoritism. We also can't be seen to be taking things from Clients without it being expressly recorded that it was gifted freely. However, if a Client or Client's Family wish to gift something to their Caregiver, a "Gift Form" must be filled out by the Client and Caregiver. This will be kept on file for the safety and security of those involved. We do not accept gifts from Clients with dementia, except under special circumstances and only with the Families express approval, and only with the completion of a "Gift Form".

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