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What is Non-Medical Care?

Updated: Jan 9

A common question we get is:

"What can you possibly do if you are non-medical?"

Non-medical care helps with the many basic life skills that we all take for granted everyday. Unfortunately, as we age, those everyday tasks can become a struggle. Simple tasks now require conscious effort to avoid falling, causing pain, and can be difficult to achieve without help.

Home Sweet Home Cares & Services offers help with these daily activities, like transportation, bathing, feeding, medication reminders, light housework, cooking, and so much more....

Check out our list of services!

The benefit to Non-medical Home Care is that it can open the doors for many! Aging in place is a very important and meaningful option for many seniors. Home Care offers many benefits like gaining independence, providing social interaction, and improving mental health. There is a level of peace that comes with our aging population being able to stay in their homes as long as possible.

Senior Home Care worker

At Home Sweet Home Cares & Services, we strive to provide quality, personalized, and compassionate Home Care. Not only are our Caregiver Specialists well-trained and knowledgeable, they also have immediate support with our office, 24/7. The Families of our Clients will also always be kept up-to-date whether by phone or email, or by logging in to our online portal to check the Care Notes or view the Care Calendar. Safety, independence, and clear communication are only some of the many non-medical ways we support our Clients!

Please see our Services Page to see detailed service descriptions!


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