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Why is in-home care so important?

In many cultures, it is customary to care for an aging family member. In our society it has become nearly impossible to do that because families are a lot busier now more than ever. Families are sometimes given options of alternative solutions if an aging loved one is no longer able to care for themselves, however, often times the option is for long-term care in a facility.

Many long-term care facilities are short staffed which means that there isn't much time to provide individualized care, more chances in medication errors, less time to answer a call light, more risks for accidents, and higher rates of dings from the state. In my 15-20 years of home care, some of my clients were put in long-term care centers. Sometimes it was for rehabilitation, hospice, stroke, or that they could no longer care for themselves at home even with help. Upon visiting those individuals in those facilities, it was sad to witness how care was performed. Much of it was not due to staff not caring, but it was more that the facility was under staffed.

In-home care is personalized upon that individual's level of needs. Some companies offer medical and non-medical care. For Home Sweet Home Cares & Services, LLC, we currently offer non-medical services. Be sure to visit our website for more information.

If a family chooses medical home care, there are a wide range of options available. A few examples might include medication set-up and distribution to the client, mobility transfer, blood pressure checks, diabetes care, wound care, and nurse support. Medical home care services might be a little more expensive, but the caregivers are doing more medical based services and there is a nurse who is available to your loved one and to the staff. Make sure that if you decide this service is something that your loved one needs, do your homework! If a company of this capacity should be licensed with the state and there should be yearly visits from the state to make sure the company is compliant.

A non-medical home care agency is very ideal for many elderly who are living at home. Many times our elderly need assistance with cleaning, cooking, medication reminders, transportation, and other basic day to day activities we take for granted. A non-medical agency does not have to be licensed through the state and does not get checked through the state. However, if a non-medical company states that they can do medical services, ALWAYS check with the state to find out what is considered medical and if they are licensed. If they are not licensed through the state, it is a huge liability and risk for everyone to high that company.

Ultimately, home care whether it is medical or non-medical is a better option for our aging because it provides personalized service that many older individuals thrive on. They are often lonely, but having someone come into the home on scheduled times gives them something to look forward to. Their mental health improves, their appetite increases, they aren't as lonely, their caregiver helps them with daily activities and chores, and there is usually a very positive response between the caregiver and client as their relationship grows. However, the most important thing that comes out of in-home care is that the client gets to do what they really stay at home!


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